So today I'm making two pies for Thanksgiving, pumpkin and pecan. I get
out all my implements of kitchen destruction and have at it, starting
with the pie crust. Now, I've always been able to knock pie crusts
right out with no problem. Today? Here at nearly 5000 feet? With an
extra-dry, no humidity day?
My very first batch
of good ol' shortening pie crust dough went together OK until I'd mixed
it all and was forming it into a ball. Then it suddenly seized.
tell you, I've dug stones outta my goddamned back yard that were
softer. The thing was an instarock. Now I'm stubborn, so I tried
rewetting it a bit to try and save doughrock.
No soap. It's now just a
slimey rock. Oh, well, into the trash can it went with a resounding 'thud'.
know better than to try the same thing, expecting different results.
Off to the Internet I fly for advice, where I decide to switch up my pie
crust fats a bit and go with a half butter/half shortening recipe,
which I have never tried. But desperate times and all that stuff...
follow the directions, which since they were on a forum thread were
offhanded at best. Gonna try using my big ol' honkin Cuisinart food
processor to mix the fats and let it earn it's keep a bit. Now...I've
had the thing long enough to know that centrifugal force is a scientific
fact and stuff sticks to the bowl but heck, all these other people are
doing it, so it must work. Right?
I cut the
chilled butter into small bits and toss it in, then hit the 'pulse'
button. Haha, they do as I suspect and instantly fling themselves
against the sides of the processor bowl, clinging like barnacles. I
twist the top off and smoosh the butter back down with a spatula, and
try again.
Same result.
OK. Maybe if I put the shortening
in and try to mix them, some kind of wonderful
baking-chemical-science-y magic thing will happen to
prevent the stuff from sticking to the damned bowl...
No. Same result. OK.
goop down again, putting it well into the blades. Hit pulse. Stuff
joyously leaps for the sides of the bowl and stays there. It's
happening so quickly it boggles the mind, it seems preternatural.
Open lid. Scrape. Replace lid. Hit pulse. Lather, rinse, repeat. Ok, ok, OKAY!
after about 10 tries I started to suspect that all these people online
were crazed maniacs who posted maliciously in pie crust forums, and
broke out all my $2 cuss words in a muttered, running, free-association
rant. Some of it not so 'muttered'. I finally give up on the dumb
Cuisinart and finish mixing the fats in a bowl with a pastry cutter,
like normal humans do. Works great and I'm happy. In goes the flour,
mix with the pastry cutter, add water, mix. Hallelujah, we have pie
crust dough! Into the fridge it goes to chill.
Right about then
my daughter sticks her head into the kitchen, looking a bit wary. She
asks, "What was all the bad language for?"
Oops. Sorry kid.
apologize and explain about the pie crust. Eventually the stuff is
properly chilled, rolled out and made into pies with no further
disasters. Won't know how it tastes until the whole family gets to eat
it, yikes. Here's hoping the pie crust gods smile upon me.
I've suffered enough today.