

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Egg Update!

I just candled the eggs, and out of the 28 eggs I set on March 30th:
6 were duds and were removed from the incubator. Of these, 5 were infertile, 1 was bad.
3 others have such dark shells that I couldn't tell if the embryos within were viable or not, so they were left in the incubator.
19 eggs have embryos!

So if all goes well, in 11 days we'll have anywhere from 19-22 chicks hatch (holy cow!)...but I expect some won't hatch and our actual hatch will be a few less. We'll just have to wait & see!

As always, bantam eggs will likely hatch a day or so early (I'm ready this time you little squids), so check the Chickam YouTube channel starting April 18th. If you see EGGS, the hatch is on!

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