

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Perfect Match!

...the sewing, not so much. I'm not really thrilled with this one.

After this one, the next will be delayed a bit as N. starting 6th grade and her 11th birthday kinda take over all my free time, not to mention my finally getting the pain control injections to my right knee done.

Also, our 6 month old crippled housechickens are feeling their age. This morning Guardian, a gray Giant Cochin rooster, crowed. And my GOD, was he ever LOUD. He's never even attempted crowing before, so it was more like a single-note yell.

But he's a big birdie and makes a big noise!

He looked a bit surprised at himself, and he immediately got Phoenix, our Head Roo out in the back yard, crowing back as Phoenix wondered who the Hell the big guy in the house was.

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