

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chickam 2024 Chicks Two Months Old!

Year 16 of Chickam!

After a start loaded with ups and downs, this year's chicks have proven to be remarkably normal. We ended up getting ten chicks, and with such a good outcome I'm thinking that from now on I'll set eggs in mid-April, aiming for a May 1st hatch date. Uptown Bus played momma this year for the first few weeks, but when the brooder box began to get too crowded and she was ready to quit we put her back out into the flock.

Pardon the goofy beach towel background, several of the chicks were so tall I had to use a larger towel for a backdrop. Also, this year's best pics all feature my kid's (he was playing chicken wrangler) arm in the shot. *sigh*

So here they are, in order of hatch!

First is Big Cluckin McGuckin, a little rooster hatched from an egg laid by Swiffer, our frizzle bantam Cochin hen who passed away just before Chickam got underway. We incubated three of her eggs...and all turned out to be roosters. I think it's just Swiffer's final FU to the universe. Not sure who McGuckin's daddy is--possibly Bobbie, our buff Brahma rooster.

...and the typical leeeaan to the left...

Blaziken, who has either Basil (highly likely) or Rapunzel for mom and Bacon for a daddy, both tiny bantams. Blazi suffered several instances of being injured from momma Bus and her larger siblings treading on her. She's still gimpy and since her hatch has required a handfeeding boost to keep her going. She tended to hide a lot, so while the other chicks went out into the flock today, Blazi is staying in for another week or two to build up strength/walking ability. Her brother Mammon is also staying in to keep her company--also, both of them are so small they could slip right through our chain link fence.

Blaziken has her daddy's facial fluffies.

Blazi might be being the tiniest bit judgemental...

Big Nasty, another Swiffer/Bobbie chick. All three of Swiffer's boys are cookie cutter images of each other, very pretty boys.

Mammon, Blaziken's brother with Rapunzel for mom and Bacon for daddy. He sulked during picture time and wouldn't hold his tail up.

Grump, grump, grump.

Grug!, one of three blondies this year and a rooster. Grug! has Dubious Intentions for a mom, Mjolnir is daddy. Pathologically friendly, Grug! spent most of his time out of the box running around trying to con any available human out of goodies from the fridge.

Sticky, the little hen hatched from the Americaunas (either Peanut or Cheese is mom) egg that was so badly cracked and taped back together. Sticky is very friendly, and has Eggroll (blue laced red Wyandotte roo) for a daddy. She has Americaunas face fluffies and striking wings, with varied plumage that reminds me of Bonesaw, one of our other hens.

Please admire her ORANGE legs.

Takoyaki, a lovely little gray hen who ended up showing off her grandfather Cam's Giant Cochin plumage! And weight, Tako is gaining some serious chicken meat. She also carries her tail down most of the time, as Cochins do. With no sign of leg feathers, Tako likely has Eggroll for a daddy and one of our black Giant Cochin mix hens for a mom.

Derp. Stand on your own feet and do the 1000-yard-stare thing.

Owl, the last Swiffer rooster. A beautiful boy and the sweetest of Swiffer's chicks.

Thunderfuss, momma is Imminent Disaster, Daddy is Mjolnir. The first chick to show up as a rooster and very bold. Although he pouted during picture time...

And leaned.

Lastly, Snack, another blondie hen and a sweetie. Momma is Bort Grungus, daddy is Mjolnir.

That's all ten of the chicks this year--four hens and six roosters!